Many Americans spend time during the holiday season reflecting on their lives and subsequently making what we call New Year’s Resolutions for the upcoming year. These resolutions consist of things such as losing weight, changing jobs, reducing debt and saving for the future. As many of you may be able to relate, we often begin these new commitments only to fall back into our old habits within the second or third week of the New Year. It reminds me of going to the gym during the first two weeks of the new year. There is an increase in wait time for equipment due to all the new faces. However, based on my experience, after about two weeks the influx of new members has returned to normal; the New Year’s Resolutions crowd is history. Starting something new is always challenging, but sticking to it until it becomes a habit is even more challenging.

MAKE A FINANCIAL COMMITMENT. Here we are again approaching a new year. Let’s agree to stop complaining about our financial situation make a New Year’s Resolution to Commit to Be Financially Fit! Many of us desperately want a brighter financial future, yet we continue living the same money lifestyle, for example, living pay-check-to-paycheck, living above our means, living in debt, or making excuses why we cannot save for the future. Let’s declare 2020 the year we Commit to Be Financially Fit. No matter where you are financially, now is the time to make the commitment to improve your overall financial situation.

SELECT A COMPETENT FINANCIAL GUIDE. It’s never recommended to take on such a daunting task on your own. Remember, you don’t know what you don’t know. Many people do not think they are ready to work with an advisor. However, no matter where you are financially, the right advisor can be beneficial to your overall financial health. Select an advisor that has the experience and wisdom to help you navigate the complex financial landscape and guide you from your current financial position to a mutually agreed upon financial goal. More importantly, the chosen advisor should be a fiduciary. A fiduciary is a person or organization that owes to another the duties of good faith and trust. The highest legal duty of one party to another, it also involves being bound ethically to act in the other’s best interest. Never underestimate the value of the right financial guidance in achieving your financial goals. Again, even if you do not think you are ready for professional financial guidance, you would be pleasantly surprised at how much valuable information you can gather working with the right advisor.

SCHEDULE A COMPLIMENTARY FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT. What is a financial assessment? A personalized assessment helps you determine your current financial
fitness and offers suggestion of how to strengthen your financial well-being. If you are in debt or barley making ends meet there is hope for improving your
financial health. An assessment can help determine what is holding you back. Is it fear, low self-esteem or a false belief that you do not deserve wealth and
prosperity? Maybe it’s simply a cash flow problem? There are several time-tested tools and techniques available to help extinguish debt and achieve positive cash
flow. Are you already saving and not exactly sure where to put the money to get a higher rate of return? Stop allowing others to benefit more than you do when using
your money. There are many options available than you may be aware of.


Give us a call at (740) 879-9533 for a complimentary consultation.

Darren, a Columbus, Ohio native has earned degrees in Business, Accounting, and an MBA. He has over twenty-five (25) years’ experience in financial services. The
Ohio Company, First Union Securities, and Merrill Lynch were instrumental in his career prior to starting his own Wealth Management Firm, Wealth Conscious
LLC, (740) 879-9533, He holds his Series 65 and Life and Health licenses. Investment advisory services are offered through
Foundations Advisors, LLC an SEC Investment Advisor Representative.